Buy more and save! If you're needing more than one arcade, we have several packages deals we off. Our arcades are perfect for Air BNBs or bars & business's or offices and company events & parties. When buying more then one arcade you can save.
To find out the type of saving you can get please call us to speak to us directly. We can put a package deal offering together for you and send you a quote.
Local Pickup at 81st Tulsa Hills Area. You can find us on Apple & Google Maps.
We build our arcades using dado construction and cnc machined. Our cnc makes a .25" pocket on each arcade side panel and then we use wood glue and 15 to 30 clamps to insure you get an arcade built like a tank. We use 3/4 Melamine laminated wood. We use leveling feet and have lockable backdoors. We also don't use Android boxes or Pi boards. We use a PC with SSD Drive. Each arcade has a 1-year warranty on electronics.
If you wish to speak with us prior to purchasing, we are available by phone at ( 9 1 8 ) 9 6 0 - 1 2 2 3 Monday - Friday 11am - 6pm Central Time we can give you more details and answer any questions you may have.
How many games will I get & do you have a game list?
We have two packages : 256GB - Roughly 6k games & a 2TB roughly 20k games.
There're are too many games to list them all. Each arcade has all the classic games you love and enjoy + some newer games.
Burger Time
Bad Dudes
Cyber Ball
Dig Dug
Donkey Kong 1 ,2 & JR
Double Dragon 1& 2
Final Fight
Ghost N Goblins
Golden Axe
Golden Tee
Killer Instinct
King Of Fighters
Mario Kart
MS Pac Man
Mortal Kombat
Metal Slug 1,2,3, 4
Marvel VS Capcom
NFL Blitz
Pac Man
Street Fighter
Space Invaders
Super Man
Can I add more games?
Yes, we will show you how to add and remove games.
Is this easily upgradable?
Yes, We will provide updates for free via internet.
What warranty do I get?
1 year warranty on all electronics included.
Can these accept coins if I want them to?
We set these to FREE play, so no quarters are required. However, if you wish we can set you up with a commercial package which includes working coin mechs, wiring & programing of the doors to start earning you money.
CALL NOW ( 918 ) 960-1223 to speak with someone.
M- F 11am - 8pm