Arcade1up Coin Door Panel Kit Black Friday Deal
Black Panel Only & Support Ring. No Graphics on panel
When installing your panel it's best to loosen the screws around the coin door panel. Some arcade1ups MIGHT have some slight variances and require sanding of our panel prior to install. It just depends how the pocket of your groove on your Arcade1up was cut. Most users don't have to do any modifications.
Double coin door panels - Have been tested on gen 1 , gen 2, and should work on NBA Jam, TMNT however on Simpson's they will not work . These will not work with newer arcade1ups. If you order and it doesn't fit we will not accept a return without a restock fee. You can contact us for measurements.
Kit includes:
- 1 black .25 coin door panel In stock
- 1 1/2 Arcade coin door ring support bare wood In stock
NO DOOR is included just the panel & support ring.
NO DOOR is included just the panel & support ring.